Rosesense's Victorian Rose
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This site contains information for anyone interested in gardens, flowers, plants, and especially Roses. Read on and enjoy your stay!

There is a new rose forum for discussion and imbedding your pics. Check it out on the 'forum and chat room' page.

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Rose Gardening
To grow healthy roses, you need to make certain they have enough sun, food and water. Don't be fooled by claims of disease free and remember that disease resistant varieties still can get diseases and may need chemical spraying in some cases.
Featured Flower: A Rose By Any Other Name . . .
Roses were brought to the United States in the 1800s. Roses carry romance with them, yet they are surprisingly sturdy and easy to grow. Roses come in many varieties, including climbing roses, hybrid tea roses, floribundas/landscape roses, old garden roses, and so on. Roses also have meanings associated with their color. For example, pink roses mean grace, yellow means joy and friendship, coral equals desire, white are associated with purity, and red, of course, means romantic love.

Drying Flowers
For best results, flowers should be dried before fully open. When drying flowers, hang them upside down in low-light (light will fade your flowers) but in a setting containing good ventilation. After they are completely dry, spray them with hair spray so they keep their position.

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